Tuesday, September 23, 2008

6 airports, 5 flights, 31 hours, 1 missed flight, 1 lost bag, 1 destroyed bag, 1 messed up tickets, and lots of motion sickness later...

...we made it to our destination. It was a pretty rough trip, but despite some challenges we made it to Natal, only about 3 hours later than expected (thanks to some very helpful Brazilians, we were able to call the people in Natal to let them know we were coming in late). This is our second morning here and we both feel really good! We are sleeping good and have a wonderful apartment. Oh, and our lost bag is suppose to be waiting for us at the local airport, so even that has worked out okay in the end. We are planning to beginning reading either tomorrow (Wed.) or Thurs. The others thought we should wait until next week but since our time here will be shorter than we had hoped, we don't want to miss anymore reading time than we have too. Actually, I may have my first reading session tonight, because one of my readers from last year is coming and I want to meet with him again. We will see.


  1. Wow, how exciting. You are daily in our prayers. So thankful you are being used by God. We will anxiously be awaiting how this chapter in your life unfolds. We love you!

  2. I enjoyed reading about your trip but couldn't help but feel for your trials. Thank goodness you made it safe and are settling in. I'm so proud that you're jumping right in and getting to work. Have a blessed week! Genny

  3. Oh, the woes of an international traveler! I wish I could hear you tell this whole story in person! What excitement already!
