We have been continuing our work at the high school, the place where our congregation meets on Sundays. We have some very dedicated students there and enjoy the time we get to be with them. We have some students that are Christians and know a lot about the bible and they seem encouraged by our time together. Other students consider themselves "religious" but it is obvious that they aren't very familiar with the bible. It is good to see the power of God's Word work on them. A few of the students are searching, they know about Jesus, but they don't believe. The variety is a good illustration of the parable of the soils that Jesus tells in Luke 8:4-15. We read this story in Lesson 11 of our workbooks. It is interesting to think that most Christians at different times in our lives have been all of the soils. We must give attention, every day, to our soil to become and remain good ground.
In addition to our work at the high school, we meet with some other readers. These are adults and we have been meeting with them continual since we started our work in Panama City. As we see the end of our time in Panama approaching, we are focusing on spending as much time with them as we can. When you make friends with people that live in another country, it makes the possibility of never being together again greater. We all know that there is no guarantee of future time with other people, but sometimes we forget that and take for granted the time we have with people because we always think we have more time. The reality of the uncertainty of our time together hits home as we spend our last minutes with friends that live in another country that we have no set plans to return to. So, we are trying to take the opportunity to enjoy this time with our friends and not be greedy for more.
Luke 12:30b and 31
Your father knows that you need those things. The thing you should want is God's kingdom.
I'm back, baby!
9 years ago
I miss you and hope you happy new year